
How To Fix MSVCP140.dll Missing Error

MSVCP140.dll Missing Error is a very common error we have faced in computers and laptops today I’ll tell you the 100% working solution of this error.

MSVCP140.dll Missing Error

Msvcp140.dll is a Dynamic Link Library file that is used in many applications/software and games to launch some specific code or command which is helpful to manage or run some tasks in that software or game. It is a very important file in the software working. If this file is missing the software will not open/load. DLL files are not a part of OS (Operating system) but it is used in some third-party software and games to run it smoothly.

When msvcp140.dll error occurs

Msvcp140.dll error occurs when we try to open software or a game. Sometimes everything is working properly but suddenly software crashes and after this, we get dll error. Sometimes after restarting our computer or laptop, we face this type of DLL error. When we open a program this type of error message shows “The program can’t start because Msvcp140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.”

How to fix msvcp140.dll Missing error

There are a lot of methods and tricks to solve this problem but in this post, I will tell you about the easiest, most simple, and workable method to solve this problem. After this method this problem Msvcp140.dll will solve permanently. And after this, you will never see this error on your application or game.  

Method #1

Follow these steps to solve the Msvcp140.dll download error.

Step 1

  • First of all open “My Computer”
  • Go to C: Drive (System Partition)
  • Open windows folder
  • In the Windows, folder search “system32”
You can also find this folder by following this address My Computer > C: Drive > Windows > System32 How To Fix MSVCP140.dll Missing Error In this folder (system32) paste the Msvcp140.dll download file (Download links given below). Make sure you’re pasting a compatible Msvcp140.dll file in system32 (i.e. 32bit or 64bit match to your computer’s operating system). Both 32-bit and 64-bit file download links are given below.

Step 2

After pasting the Msvcp140.dll file in the system32 folder press the back key and find the sysWOW64 folder in the Windows folder you will get this folder just below the system32 folder.


Note: In some cases may be in your PC this folder (sysWOW64) is not available so don’t worry skip this step and follow the next step.

Now also paste the msvcp file in the sysWOW64 folder which you paste in system32 into this folder.

Step 3

  • Now go to the desktop here you can see all the software’s shortcuts that you’ve installed on your computer.
  • Here find the shortcut of the software or game that shows msvcp140.dll error.
  • Right-click on the shortcut and click on the “open file location”
  • You will be redirected to the software or game’s installation directory.
Fix MSVCP140.dll Missing Error Now paste the msvcp140.dll (the same file that you paste in system32) into this folder.
Result: Now open your software or game that shows the msvcp140.dll error. The application opens easily without msvcp140.dll error. Now you can enjoy your software or game.

Methos #2

In this step, we will fix our msvcp140.dll issue with the help of a tool. This tool will scan your computer and laptop and find all the problems. Then this tool will automatically all the required files which are required to solve all the problems of your computer. This tool will install all runtime missing files
  • This tool will install all Visual C++ files
  • It will install all net framework files on your computer
  • It will install all required Java files on your pc
  • Adobe flash players

How to install AIO runtime

  • First of all download aio runtime tool (Link).
  • After downloading it double click on the .exe file and open this program
  • Now click on install
  • When you click on the install button it will start checking your computer or laptop errors and it will automatically install the required files on your computer.
  • Now, wait till the installation is in process. It will take 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how many files are missing from your computer.
  • When the installation is done all problems/errors will be solved automatically.
  • You just need to restart your computer.

Msvcp140.dll Missing File

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