
How To Fix VCOMP140.DLL Error

Vcomp140.dll is a Dynamic Link Library file that is used in many applications/software and games to launch some specific code or command which is helpful to manage or run some tasks in that software or game. It is a very important file in the software working. If this file will missing the software will not open/load.
Sometimes when we open an application or program it shows
“The program can’t start because vcomp140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.”
Mostly this error occurred on newly installed applications or software or games and also you can face this error code on applications that you already use in your daily routine.


There are many ways to fix the vcomp140.dll error but I’ll tell you an authentic and easiest way to permanently solve this error. Also, check the vcruntime140.dll error solution.

Why vcomp140.dll error occurs

Before solving this error we need to know why this type of error occurred. When we download some files from non-trusted websites then these websites load some virus files into our system. When windows defender tries to remove these files, these files crash the system files due to this we face this type of error.
DLL errors also occur when the specific DLL files will missing from our system files or the installation directory.


How to fix VCOMP140.DLL missing error

Method 1

Follow these steps to solve the vcomp140.dll error.

Step 1

  • First of all open “My Computer”
  • Go to C:Drive (System Partition)
  • Open windows folder
  • In the Windows, folder search “system32”

You can also find this folder by following this address

My Computer > C:Drive > Windows > System32


In this folder (system32) paste the vcomp140.dll file (Download links given below). Make sure you’re pasting a compatible vcruntime file in system32 (i.e. 32bit or 64bit match to your computer’s operating system). Both 32-bit and 64-bit files download links are given below.

Step 2

After pasting the vcomp140.dll file in the system32 folder press the back key and find the sysWOW64 folder in the windows folder you will get this folder just below the system32 folder.

Note: In some cases may be in your pc this folder (sysWOW64) not available so don’t worry skip this step and follow the next step.

Now also paste vcruntime file in sysWOW64 folder which you paste in system32 into this folder.

Step 3

  • Now go to the desktop here you can see all the software’s shortcuts which you’re installed on your computer.
  • Here find the shortcut of the software or game which shows the vcomp140.dll error.
  • Right-click on the shortcut and click on the “open file location”
  • You will be redirected to the software or game’s installation directory.

Now paste the vcomp140.dll (the same file which you paste in system32) in this folder.

When you do these three steps now open the game or software which shows the vcomp140.dll error. Your error is now fixed. Enjoy

Download VCOMP140.DLL

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