
How To Fix SrtTrail.txt Error

How To Fix SrtTrail.txt Error

If you got SrtTrail.txt Error in Windows 10 or Windows 11 here you will get the solution of it. So Follow these steps one by one.

First of all, restart your computer or laptop, and when it is on press F8. It will open the automatic repair page.

  • Click on Advanced options
  • Open Troubleshoot 
  • Then advance option
  • Open Command Prompt

Now paste these commands one by one

  1. chkdsk /f /r /c:
  2. c:
  3. cd c:\windows\system32\config
  4. md backup
  5. copy *.* backup
  6. md backup1
  7. copy *.* backup1
  8. cd regback
  9. dir
  10. copy *.* ..
  11. bootrec /fixmbr
  12. bootrec /fixboot
  13. bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup
  14. attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
  15. ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
  16. bootrec /rebuildbcd
  17. exit