
10 Ways to Increase Adsense CPC and Revenue

Today, I will tell you ten ways to increase your Google AdSense earnings by about thirty percent and how to do that quickly. You might be wondering, why thirty percent? That’s a pretty weird number, right? Well, the answer is simple. When I started out with my website, I was looking for information on this topic but didn’t find much that was helpful. So, I tested various methods and increased my website earnings by about thirty percent. I used these methods across my portfolio of eight different websites and now make over twenty-five thousand dollars of revenue every month. So, I thought it made sense to create a video about this. Some people were saying Google AdSense is great, but how do you make more money with it? This video is my attempt to explain the ten different things I do to increase my earnings on Google AdSense.

Create More Content

The first thing you need to do to increase your Google AdSense revenue is to create more content. Now, I know you’re probably thinking, “Duh,” but creating more content is crucial for Google AdSense. Unlike affiliate marketing or selling informational products, creating more content is key because more quality content attracts more visitors to your website. More visitors mean more clicks on your ads and, consequently, more revenue. Quality content helps your site rank higher in Google search results, bringing in more traffic and ad revenue. So, create more quality content to boost your earnings.

Create High Earnings Per Click Content

The second tip is to create high earnings per click content. You might not fully understand what this means, so let me explain. High earnings per click content involves targeting high-paying keywords. For example, keywords like “insurance,” “loans,” and “mortgage” tend to have higher bids in Google AdWords, which means higher revenue per click in AdSense. Even if your website isn’t specifically about these topics, you can create related content. For instance, if you have a business-related site, writing about “business insurance for website owners” can attract higher-paying ads. Google AdSense uses contextual advertising, so if your content mentions high-paying keywords, the ads shown will be more lucrative.

Focus on Top Earning Pages

The third tip is to focus on your top-earning pages. Typically, eighty to ninety percent of your revenue comes from your top ten pages. Use Google Analytics to identify these pages and optimize them. Make sure these pages have the best ad placements and explore other monetization methods like affiliate links. This targeted approach ensures you’re maximizing the revenue from your most valuable content.

Use Anchor Ads

The fourth tip is to use AdSense anchor ads. Anchor ads stick to the edge of the user’s screen and are easily dismissable, making them less intrusive but still effective. Enable Auto ads in your AdSense account and ensure anchor ads are turned on. These ads will appear at the top or bottom of the screen on mobile devices, adding extra revenue without disrupting the user experience.

Use Display Ads

The fifth tip is to use display ads frequently. Display ads are responsive i.e. these ads change their size according to the user’s screen resolution. Use a plugin like Ad Inserter on WordPress to place these ads in bulk. Display ads are versatile and effective, making them a staple in your ad strategy.

Test Ad Sizes and Placements with Ad Inserter

The sixth tip is to use Ad Inserter to test different ad sizes and placements. This tool allows you to experiment with various ad types to see which ones generate the most revenue. Test different ad units on your top pages and analyze the results to optimize your ad strategy.

Test Link Ad Units

The seventh tip is link testing. These ads don’t pay on the first click but on the second, which can result in higher earnings per click. Test link ad units on your site for a couple of weeks to see if they outperform standard display ads. Link ads can be surprisingly effective and worth experimenting with.

Test Google Auto Ads

The eighth tip is to test Google Auto ads but be mindful of the ad load. Auto ads place ads automatically on your site using Google’s algorithms, but the default ad load might be too high, negatively affecting user experience and possibly SEO. Reduce the ad load to a more reasonable level and combine Auto ads with manually placed ads for the best results.

Try Ezoic

The ninth tip is to try a platform like Ezoic. Ezoic uses AI to optimize ad placements and maximize your revenue without compromising user experience. It tests different ad layouts and learns from user behavior to find the most effective ad placements. If you prefer a more hands-off approach to ad optimization, Ezoic can be a great option.

Join Ad Networks

The tenth and final tip is to join ad networks like AdThrive or Mediavine if you have a large enough website. These networks require minimum traffic levels but offer higher-paying ads and additional optimization tools. They can significantly boost your revenue by connecting you with premium advertisers and optimizing ad placements.


So, those are the ten things you need to do to increase your Google AdSense earnings by thirty percent or more. If you liked this video, please like it and subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss out on future content. Also, check out my free mini-course at to learn more about online marketing. 

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